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Climate change

Climate change

                For the last few years, we have been constantly bombarded with information about climate change. We could also notice the change by looking through our windows. Severe weather, like storms are more frequent now, tornadoes occur in Poland, United States are hit by increasingly strong hurricanes. Ice caps are melting and average temperature gets higher. Climate changes, there is no doubt about it. But is this process natural or caused by our rapidly expanding civilization? There are many opinions on that problem.

A natural cycle

                One of the most controversial topics in last few years is global warming. It is not only popular with eco-activists but also with politicians. Is it a real threat or just a huge scam? There are few scientific theories about that. First is Milankovitch cycle. It explains how Earth's climate changes periodically, due to eccentricity of Earth's orbiting, and variable axial tilt. Such astronomic events influence climate on Earth, causing ice ages. The most recent ice age in today's Poland ended only 10 thousand years ago.  What we are experiencing now could be just 'warm age' which must have happened many times in the past.

Anthropogenic sources of global warming

                Since industrial revolution, we have been using a lot of fossil fuels, destroying forests and creating pastures to face the growing demand for food. The expansion of our civilization caused a great increase in carbon dioxide emissions. This gas is a major cause of greenhouse effect, which makes the temperature on Earth higher.

Politics concerning climate changes

                While developed countries produce biggest quantities of CO2, developing countries, like African will suffer the most. To stop climate from changing The Kyoto Protocol was introduced. Signatories are obliged to limit their emission levels, which often results in slower economic growth.
There was also a controversy, named Climategate, concerning leaked e-mails from University of East Anglia in 2009. It turned out that some scientists were hiding information about decreasing temperature in 20th century. If the global warming was real, decreases in temperature should have happened. This can lead to the conclusion that global warming is just a scientific conspiracy and not a real threat.
What is your opinion about that? Is global warming a huge scam? Is it real? If so, should we make every effort to stop it?


  1. That is difficult to say if that is real danger or mistification. I do not have sufficient knowledge about that. The fact that climat is changing is uncontested, but in matter of its' reason we can only guess. However for certain someone earns money at that global warming propaganda and that makes a field for conjecture.

  2. Recently I read about global warming and threat of this process. In my opinion if we don't know what happend this warming, we should reduce the production of carbon dioxide and etc. It is our planet, our earth. I we would like to our children live here we should protect environmental! Maby the economic growth is slower, but our life is healthier and safer. :D

  3. Nowadays, we read and hear a lot about these issues, but I think that not every information is worth reading. We should remember about natural succession of different climates. This variability is natural. Of course, our influence is also important and it is becoming more and more dangerous for environment. There are some really serious problems like large amount of carbon dioxide, deforestation, endangered species... . and we should deal with it in the near future.

  4. Now we have a large climate change. Winter is very long, and we have the season of the year resembling summer rather than spring. I read somewhere that scientists are worried that they will be only two seasons - winter and summer. This has many disadvantages. In Russia, for example, a large number of insects have been observed, new species of insects, which are hatched in large numbers due to the rapid warming to winter.

  5. It's really hard to say which theories is true, because we have many information, but we can't find a reasonable conclusion. In my opinion the best idea is about natural cycle of Earth. The statistic shows that eruption of volcano emits more CO2 than all factories in the world produced in one year.

  6. The climate is changing is a fact, but we haven’t a clear information what is a reason of that process. Many years ago we have a the same problems, good example is a Ice Age.
    Modern world generate a lot of harmful and dangers substances into the atmosphere but it is a reason of climate changing, we don’t know.
    It is true we must be careful for our environment and change a policy of ecology.

  7. Some scientist say that global warming is something normal and we still live in a ice age because there is many glacier and ice sheet in the poles. In the history of the Earth we can observe recurring glaciations and warming which takes millions of years. I thing that global warming is something normal and doesn’t threaten the Earth but there is nothing wrong in reducing emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere.

  8. No doubt nowadays process of climate changing is the fact. To be hosest I have no idea what is the reason of that. In my opinion both of the reasons- natural process and antropogenic one are true. People contribute to environment distaster and it's equal climate changing. In the past similar eras took place. So it's also could be natural process

  9. It is obvious that the climate is constantly changing. I think that this is partly because of us, of our actions. Undoubtedly the development of industry, electricity etc has an impact on the environment and climate changes that's why we should be careful what we do.
    When it comes to a global warming, I really don't know if it is a real thing or not. If the experts have different opinions on this issue, how do I know what is the truth.

  10. There is no doubt that humans' actions from the past decades and even recent centuries, i mean for example the industrial revolution by that and the whole process of civilization development leads to devastation of nature to the visible level. Problems like global warming, ozone hole, melting of glacier and extinction of more and more species is several examples of that. I think, if people do not start any determined action the situation will become worse and worse. We should fight for life of every creature and do not let the nature deteriorate more, because it will take revange on us, and civilizational diseases will destroy us.

  11. This is just impossibly messy subject. I actually tried to make sense of any greater publication in that field. And failed miserably, because even if I understood underlining theory, none of the data was available for me. I just don't care any longer. For my short lifetime, I see almost no real differences. I remember 5 years when winters were insanely cold, I remember summer that could only be described as 'scorching'. And many years when it was nothing special. There are too many data, too little well documented MEASUREMENT data and most of the simulations I have seen have some moronic approximation that suits thesis. There are many more interesting problems to be interested with. And most of this is, unfortunately, valid sensible research! Not to mention greater amounts of hacks then even in 'free energy' movement.
    This is sad, but to repeat myself: I just don't care any more.

  12. It's hard to say. From my observation - how many scientists so many opinions. I tend to opinion that global warming is natural, independent of people acvtivity proces, but I haven't any concrete arguments. We should limit our harmful to the environment habits, but does it really have an impact on this issue? I doubt.

  13. In my opinion, Global Warming is real. I think that you have to know the reason why the large quantity of ice-cap in the North Pole is thaw quickly each year.As for me, by the hot temperature . We must remember that most of the trees appeared in the earth more over billion years ago, and each of tree always blows oxygen which made atmosphere in each early morning.

  14. In my opinion, the global warming takes place, but results of this phenomenon are not as quick and dangerous as people think. I think that compared to people’s life, considerable climate changes are slow. We should concentrate on other eco- problems, which have also influence on nature, but are faster than global warming.

  15. I think that climate change is real. It's clearly linked extreme weather for. eg. tornados and hurricanes in USA. People made a lot of bad deccisions in the past regarding convertions of land, river reservoirs for eg. shrinking of the Aral Sea. The region's once prosperous fishing industry has been essentially destroyed. The retreat of the sea has reportedly also caused local climate change, with summers becoming hotter and drier, and winters colder and longer.
    I think it is important to leave earth at least as good as our succesors left us. It is well worth it to take better care of our planet.

  16. I think the theory about global warming caused by civilization is a huge scram. Unfortunately we are living in climat changing time so we feel stange because we don't know what will happen in future at all. Somebody had an idea how to earn some money on human's paranoia and promotes ECO lifestyle which is expensive. I mean I take care about nature but I can't agree with someone who tells us we can't drive faster than 70 kilometers per hour in Poland because we make a noise and vibrations which are felt in Africa by lions.

  17. I think that global warming is real, but it's not caused by human race. Scientists would have convinced me by now if there weren't a lot of unclear situations concerning it. It's never good when politics meet with science, and so it is in this case.

  18. Nowadays we hear ,or read a lot of information about climate changes. It's really hard to say which theories is true, but I agree with other commentaries that this is partly because of us, of our bad habits which have influence on climate. But I also heard a lot of information which denies such information’s. As other said it is difficult to assess which scientist are right.

  19. In fact, the general consensus in science world is that climate is changing. But question is: who or what causes it? And what will happen because of that?
    In my opinion global warming is not scam. As it stays in presentation, we can see that behind the window. I also think that mostly we, humanity, are responsible for that changes. Ages of interferences in environment wouldn't have been invisible. And it will be very hard to turn away these processes.

  20. What is your opinion about that? Is global warming a huge scam? Is it real? If so, should we make every effort to stop it?
    - I think we shouldn't bother our mind with that issue. It's not problem of our generation. It's problem of next generations. Maybe they will find some innovative solution :)

  21. Climate changes is a problem we should be especially focusing at. We’re one of this generations, which do not really cares about how our children or grandchildren would be living. We are living a present day, but the world is changing. Everything we do is affecting the Earth. The continents are getting smaller, but population of people is getting bigger. Those who live in big cities know what it feels like to have very small space for living. But right now we can go outside the city and enjoy a lot of space. Imagine situation without that opportunity. It would cause a lot of depression and more pathology.

  22. I think that climate change is real, but that's totally normal thing. The Earth is changing it's magnetic poles, and we don't have anything in common with this process. Also CO2 percent in atmosphere isn't incrasing so fast that we should be afraid, and it's mainly because of volcanos, not humans.

  23. As noted by the author of the entry, climate change is noticeable to all of us. Global warming is a fact. It remains to ask what is the main cause. Opinions are divided. I believe that humanity, maybe not in 100%, but made a major contribution to the occurrence of this phenomenon.
    Thanks to the industrial revolution and deforestation human influenced the increase of the temperature of the Earth. Industry still delivers to our atmosphere carbon and nitrogen oxides thereby increasing the amount of greenhouse gases that affect the retention of energy by our atmosphere.

  24. I love climate change topic. In a last year I prepared report about it.
    What are my conclusions? Theory that people iflunace global climat is ridiculous. Why? First of all, even when media saying that sciencist prove we changed climat with polutions, dont belive them. THERE IS NO scientific consensus about that theory. It is not true that rasing % of CO2 in atmosphere is the reason of global warming. Actually it is effect. Higher temeratures than normal cause raise extraction of CO2 from seas and oceans.
    And last funny fact - did you know in medival (yea those fabrics ^^) it was more CO2 in air than now?

  25. Global warming is like the evolution of Darwin. Everybody have heard about this, but no one knows what it is. And of course everyone has their appropriate sentence. And the discussion about this topic is so fierce, that people create for this new conspiracy theories.

    I do not know what I can say about global warming. But I will be sad, the information what we are learned in school would be untrue. I know that science is still being developed, but but something we already know. We schould act in accordance with that knowledge.

  26. In my opinion climat change is normal occurrance i nature. I think that global warming is a hoax, because I was reading in newspaper that USA gave the money for research relating to climate which shown that the temperature on the world increases.After some time one of the scientists proved that the fail and this is only normal change climat.Now the USA does not want to say it's true because it spent a lot of many on bad researche. For me global warming isn't a problem because this it is climat changing normal for the earth.

  27. It is another hard subject for me. I hear about global warming since I was child, but this problem never touched me. Of course there are a lot of abnormal weather, but it was always situation like this, only now we have better media and we can inform each other abou this. But in the other hand I saw photos from all over the world and it really looks scary. I know that we should do something with this, but I don't know exactly what.

  28. In my opinion the best idea is about natural cycle of Earth. Eruption of volcano emits more CO2 than all factories in the world produced in one year, so it has a sense. It's hard to say which theory is true, we can only speculate.

  29. I think that we destroy our Planet. Maybe not every information from TV is true but we explore Earth so rapidly only for money, only for today.
    We destroy Natural sources; we destroy forests, rivers, and atmosphere because we want mare and more. We should reduce production of carbon dioxide, deforestation and all that killing substance made by industry.
    We don't need so many things to live but we need Earth to live. There is no point, we should stop that destroying human's action on our World.

  30. What is your opinion about that? Is global warming a huge scam? Is it real? If so, should we make every effort to stop it?
    In my opinion global warming is just a huge scam. I haven't noticed anything wrong about weather in Poland. There always have been cases like weather anomaly. Nowadays the media just like to talk about this. Moreover politicians, eco-jerks and businessman found a way to make some money. I think people are to little to change climate. If it changes it is not because of us.


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