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Obesity in schools

Obesity in schools

Nowadays, there is a huge problem with obesity in many schools. People try to explain the main reason of this problem. We should remember that this topic is not only connected with students, but also with their parents, teachers and school stores. So why do the children, students put on weight so much? They are surrounded by many posters, movies, articles which show them that a healthy lifestyle, good food and outdoor activities will help them keep fit and live long.

Students spend a lot of time at their desks, both at school and home. They eat often in schools or some other places, because they have too much to do to get back home and eat dinner with their family. The fastest way is to buy something or eat ready-made food, but it isn’t good for them. They think that they eat healthy food when they just buy a salad. Of course it is better than a hamburger or chips, but it will never be so healthy as that salad prepared by them at home. They don’t know what vegetables and fruit were taken to make it.
The second thing is that parents give them money, because it is easier and doesn’t take so much time. They are always in a hurry and don’t have time to prepare some food for their children. They just give them money and tell them to buy what they want. They just don’t care and don’t know that it is one of the biggest problems connected with obesity.

They should also encourage their children to eat healthy food. It will be better if parents and teachers talk more with children about the importance of healthy food. They should talk about special diets, vitamins, proteins, fat which is in our food. This is a really hot topic now, but I think that people still know too little.
            The next thing is that some school stores don’t offer anything healthy, only sweets and drinks with a lot of sugar. Only a few schools offer fresh fruits, juices and hot, healthy meals. That’s why some students eat outside of the school.
            With the last problem is connected another one. Young people haven’t got a place to eat, because the school doesn’t provide it; still, they want to do it together, so they just go to the shopping center to eat and hang out. This is the way how they spend their leisure time. Pizza, Coca-Cola and some conversation – that’s how a lot of children spend time between classes.

What about obesity in schools in Poland?

            When we read about this topic we often think only about children in USA. We should focus more on our country, because we also have a big problem with obesity. Schools don’t care enough and don’t offer healthy food. In my school there was no place to buy or eat something bigger than a chocolate bar.

What is your opinion about obesity in schools? Is it a big problem? Should parents think more what their children eat during a day?



  1. I think that the issue of obesity in schools is a big problem. And not only in USA, but also in other countries including Poland. In USA fast foods are very popular, and many families eat there every day. Other countries often imitate American lifestyle and, unfortunately, it becomes an increasing problem. I think schools and parents should teach children healthy lifestyle, but in reality, it's them who often give a bad example. Parents should be more concerned about what their kids eat during the day.

  2. In my opinion obesity in schools is a huge problem, also in Poland. I think that there is one way solve it - we should make fruit, vegetables and other heathy food more attractive for kids. If they know, that eating sandwiches is cool, they will do it.

  3. In my opinion the main problem is bad way of life. Childreen eat food irregulary, sometimes at 11 p.m o 'clock and that's the reason of obesity. They eat unhealthy food like fast food, drink coca cola or some carbonated drinks. I don't really know if polish people are aware about the problem of obesity in our schools.

    1. In my opinion, obesity is one of the main health problems in schools. Fast foods and very fatty food are everywhere and are cheaper than healthy dishes. For example, pupils buy fast food, because it’s easy and nowadays it’s like a habit for a lot of people. This phenomena is dangerous for children’s health- they can have various diseases that are hard to be cured. Of course, parents should take care of nutrition of their children, because they are responsible for their health.

  4. I think, that a lot of children or teenagers prefer to spend their free time with computer or watching TV. They don't want to do sport, play footbol with friends, when at home they can relax on the sofa. Now very popular on our world are fast foods, dishes like pizza, kebab. People don't care about their health, about silhouette, but of course not all. Children often don't understand, that they should take care about what they eat and very often responsible for obesity in children are parents. They should look after what eat their children, explain them, that vegetables or fruits should have very important role in their diet. In my opinion obesity is a very seriously problem in countries like USA or China.

  5. I absolutely agree that obesity is a big problem in Poland. Many parents don't pay attention what their children eat. I think that is a heart of the matter, that parents don't teach children what they should eat and just give them money to buy what they want.

  6. As a result, children buy not a healthy food but some junk food. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't eat junk food at all,because it isn't harmful in a small quantity. It becomes very bad for our health, when we eat it very often. Specially children should eat healthy food, because they are growing up and food is important for their bones and whole organism.

  7. I think too that obesity is a big problem in schools. Many schools offer fast food to the children because is cheap and easy to prepare in large quantities. Furthermore, the presence of frozen food at supermarkets has been increased in the last years, so children eat fast food in their homes too.
    I think parents should take care about the feed of their children, not only at home but also when the family goes out to eat, and schools should offer healthy food instead of fast food. For example, the food machines should have less sweets and more healthy snacks like fruit.

  8. I am studying Chemistry now and I know what does it mean chemical food. Food additives are used in food production or food storage to keep it in a better condition.. They perform various functions: they preserve the food from spoilage , bacteria, fungi or chemical processes, maintain nutritional quality of food and magnify the taste and aroma of food. That's why children love them. In my opinion obese people in my country is much more and it process is raising. A lot of people eat fast, don't care about what they eat. It's very disturbing and we have to do something! I think commercials about after-effects of obesity should help.

  9. I am happy that you agree with my point of view. In my opinion we should think more about the future of these children with obesity. When we realize how it will look like, we will do something more to 'fight' with this problem. We should also think more what we are eating, where and how. It is really important to spend appropriate time, eat not in hurry and in good surroundings. We do not realize how much it affects on us. We should read more about good diets, talk with some specialist and try to keep fit and eat healthy food.

  10. I think that obesity is very connected with the topic: sport. Maby children could eat all what they want, but everyday do sports. I eat a lot of food, all what I would like to, but sport is everyday in my life!
    Secondly the big problem are stores at school. You wrote about this. Anything healthy, only sweets and drinks with a lot of sugar. Why? I don't understand directors of schools! Why they let sell this unhealthy food?

  11. I think that obesity is a real problem especially in school. In Poland it is not visible but in western countries that is a serious problem. It is caused by improper diet. In schools are many shop with crisps, chocolate bars and sweet drinks. Parents don’t have time for their children and don’t make them sandwich. They will give children some money for something to eat and children buy unhealthy food. In schools especially in Poland there are no canteens where children can eat dinner. It is a main cause increasing obesity among children.

  12. In my opinion problem of obesity also in Polish schools, among Polish children is very serious. Parents have less and less ftee time to care about their children also in the issue of eating. Children prefer to eat outside or junky food from schools stores rather than cook something when the parents don't have any time for that. We must think about it because everything goes worst and worst. We should try to force ideas of eating high level dinners in schools canteens. It may adjust situation.

  13. I think it is a big problem and it will become bigger and bigger. School shops sell a lot of fat, processed food, with lots of sugar, instead of fresh fruit. Canteens shouldn't serve food like pizza or hamburgers, but healthy meals . Parents should also pay attention to what their children eat. Instead of giving them money, they should give them an apple or make a sandwich for lunch.

  14. Problem with obesity is one of the most important in modern world, now days we should observation and fight with that kind of trouble.
    Parents in west countries haven’t got a lot of time for their children’s , is a solution of why they eat unhealthy food in feast food’s and bay some bad food in the shops.
    In most of European countries governments want discover a way to good food, healthy policy. One of the beast activity is a fresh and healthy food in school shops and bars. I think we are going to by better in nearly future.

  15. In my opinion obesity is very common nowadays because the outdoor lifestyle is not interesting compere to all electronic machines. I think that this problem is also about that children don't think that fruits can be a good snack. Parents also should shows children that be in good shape is important. However it is very unequal fight with the big company like coca cola or kraft.

  16. To be honest, I don't know how it's in schools right now because I haven't got a younger siblings and I didn't read any research. Only I can describe my memories. I remember in all of my schools there was only "sweet stores" with 100% unhealthy food. School's stores adhere to the principle obvious rule: no "sweets" no profit. If it doesn't change we'll see obesity problem indeed. I think the way of teaching and getting health behaviours is the perfect way to prevent increasing obesity problem.

  17. I'm terrified how many kids are obese! Obesity causes not only illness but has massive impact on kids self-esteem. Sometimes I think parents should be punished for letting their kids being so obese. They should be responsible for educating their kids how to stay fit. Parents should set an example.
    Unfortunately our society is getting more and more lazy. We buy ready to eat meals, we go by car to the shop across the street and we love to spent hours in front of telly.
    We are more likely to go on restrictive diet rather than start exercising 30 minutes a day.

  18. I've heard that Poland is the country with the most overweight children in Europe. Honestly, i don't think so and i don't think that obesity is such a big problem. It's just a matter of lifestyle and it's the effect of bad parenting. Obesity should be treated like other illnesses. It' s not a big issue.

  19. I think it is a huge problem of nowadays society. It's ofcourse parents fault, but they often are also fat. They should think about it, what their children eat. When people are young they get habits for the rest of their lifes. It is very hard to change that later.

  20. I think everything depend on own personal culture. Personal culture means : "how you operate and interact in everyday life". When parents have no time for themseves, no time for thinking, for reading, for art, for spending time in nature when they are always tired, irrytated and they don't tolk with their children and they have no intersting proposition how to bring ut or educated them it is very sad. Children are nervous and lonely because of that and they realy do not know what to choose I think everything depends on own personal culture. Personal culture means: "how you operate and interact in everyday life". I think that many parents have no time for themselves, no time for thinking, for reading, for art, for spending time in nature. They are always tired, irritated and they don't talk with their children. They have only one aim, money. They don’t live, day work, day live only for being workers. It is really empty life and children can develop in such an environment. They are lonely, abandoned and nervous. Television, advertisement, shops mall this become children culture nowadays.
    Obesity is the consequence of that kind authorities and lifestyle. It doesn’t depend from diet. It depend on way of thinking.

  21. In my opinion the main problem is bad way of life. Childreen eat food irregulary, sometimes at 11 p.m o 'clock and that's the reason of obesity. They eat unhealthy food like fast food, drink coca cola or some carbonated drinks. I don't really know if polish people are aware about the problem of obesity in our schools.

  22. "The world has changed. I see it in the water. I feel it in the Earth. I smell it in the air". What do you expect when its shame not to have account on the facebook even for 11 years old boy? Children do not play - they chat, they do not run - they play console games.(lucky ones can play with Kinect or PS Moove) 6 TV channels for children only!... Once upon a time when I was young there were 2 channels on TV and 40 minutes per day for children, so I spend all my time running with my colleagues in the courtyard.... Ah! I am lying as always - I was reading books. I never liked any sport activities. And don't tell me everybody should. I like hiking and biking and that is all about sports. And I will never teach my children to love sport. Not that I do not want to - but I am just no sport teacher (lover). Still all my children are slim and fit - totally opposite to me. I took my son's school mates photography and my daughter's one. And tell you what? It is not here. Maybe obesity is a problem in Polish schools - but somewhere else. 2 classes 11 and 13 years old children, 58 total, and only one boy with obesity I can see. I can remember the same ratio from my own school days. So maybe problem is similar to global warming. Everybody know it is there, but no one have ever seen it, experienced it and no one can prove it. (but it is shame not to believe it)

  23. In my opinion obesity in polish schools is not such big problem as it is in USA. My fiancée, which is biology teacher an year ago made a research about it: she ask 120 of children in age 12- 16 in anonymous inquiry about their tallness, weight (to count BMI), diet and knowledge about nutrition.
    Declarations were stunning: about half of students had BMI below the standard, which means that children weigh was too low. Only about 10% of them was obesity, which really much. Schools in Poland has better politic in selling unhealthy food - nowadays in school shop children can bay fruits, sandwiches (often with vegetables), rains, nuts. Most of junk food are forbidden to sell in schools.
    Of course parents should control their children diet, and I think they do it - frequently preparing second breakfast to school they boxing them vegetables (carrot, tomato) and fruits.

  24. I would like to bring some new research for topic. According to the US Surgeon General, two-thirds of adults and nearly one in three children are overweight or obese. Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years. The condition limits many students’ ability to excel in school, in part because it can result in social and psychological problems such as low self-esteem. A serious problem is that overweight children are often bullied and suffer from its effects.
    I remember two kind of "fat" kids from school. First were funny and didn't show to other they are care about weight. Second type was shy, affraid and susceptible. I'm affraid second type was prevailing. It is sad.
    Here is a huge thing to do for parents. It's obvious who should care about kids healt as first person.

  25. Luckily, obesity in Polish schools don't have the scale of the American ones - but don't be fooled, even thought it might not be seen, it is an increasing problem.

    You have a point, Agnieszka. Parents are to blame. Why would you decide to have a child if you don't have time to prepare a simple sandwich for school...?! Instead, give them some money so they can buy... a Snickers for dinner. Why not a Playstation as an addition to keep the kid quiet at home?

    What I think is that kids are simply to young to understand it - you have to eat healthy and move.

    Some Americans suggest that making a boy or a girl morbidly obese should be trated as an offense of child abuse.

  26. As for me schools shops are not a problem, the parents are. Not everyone have time to do sandwiches, but main part of problem is not telling the kids to pay attention to what they're eating. in my school it was normal school shop, full of sweets, soda and other "unhealthy food", but it was about 3 or 4 children with obesity per year, maybe more, so it's problem with moving and unreasonable eating like there's no tomorrow. Also playing on computer instead of moving butt isn't helping at all.

  27. I think that obesity in schools is a huge problem! The problem for the parents, but also the problem of children who suffer from it. Obesity is a disease and as many of diseases - should be treated. Parents should pay attention to what eat their children. It is very important for their development. If you do not heal with obesity in school, you will deal with it all your life.


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