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SOHO, the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory, is a project of international collaboration between ESA and NASA to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind.

SOHO was launched on December 2, 1995. The SOHO spacecraft was built in Europe by an industry team led by prime contractor Matra Marconi Space (now EADS Astrium) under overall management by ESA.
The twelve instruments on board SOHO were provided by European and American scientists. 

Nine of the international instrument consortia are led by European Principal Investigators (PI's), three by PI's from the US. Large engineering teams and more than 200 co-investigators from many institutions supported the PI's in the development of the instruments and in the preparation of their operations and data analysis. NASA was responsible for the launch and is now responsible for mission operations. Large radio dishes around the world which form NASA's Deep Space Network are used for data downlink and commanding. Mission control is based at Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. 

In addition to its scientific mission, it is currently the main source of near-real time 
solar data for space weather prediction. Along with the GGS Wind and Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE), SOHO is one of three spacecraft currently in the vicinity of the Sun-Earth L1 point, a point of gravitational balance located approximately 0.99 astronomical unit (AU)s from the Sun and  0.01 AU from the Earth. In addition to its scientific contributions, SOHO is distinguished by being the first three-axis-stabilized spacecraft to use its reaction wheels as a kind of virtual gyroscope; the technique was adopted after an on-board emergency in 1998 that nearly resulted in the loss of the spacecraft.

The SOHO spacecraft is in a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 point the point between the Earth and the Sun where the balance of the (larger) Sun's gravity and the (smaller) Earth's gravity is equal to the centripetal force needed for an object to have the same orbital period in its orbit around the Sun as the Earth, with the result that the object will stay in that relative position.






  1. Very important for today's civilization is the observation of the Sun and predict explosive in his corona. These explosions have much more energy than the energy of the atomic bomb burst and throw to the space a huge number of particles with very high energy. That is called the solar wind which is really dangerous for electrical appliances especially for satellites and high voltage lines. In the case of strong explosions these devices should be turned off to avoid damage. Also Sun observatory helps in research the structure of the sun and phenomena occurring inside.

  2. In my opinion every study about sun are very important. The Sun is the most important thing in our solar system, powerfull star which gives us life on earth. We also can use this power to create some kind of solar egine for example, after all oil on Earth exhaust, sun probably become the prority source of energy. I think that studying The Sun will help us to find another solar system similar to this which we live now, but it will probably happen only in distant future.

  3. I think that studies about sun are necessary. The sun provides the Earth's surface the most energy of all the celestial bodies. Solar radiation is used directly to produce electricity and heat. Should be remembered that it is also used in the process of photosynthesis by plants, which then form a reserve of biomass. Energy of fossil fuels, which are currently the main source of energy is the energy derived from the sun. Additional wind and sea waves created by solar radiation.

  4. In my opinion it is very important to invent and participate in these kinds of huge projects. Some of the results may have a beneficial effect in the future. We should keep an eye on it, because it can be very precious energy source and that's why we should know what happens with the core of the Sun. The explosions are very powerful and give a lot of energy in the form of solar winds. We can use it. Also the knowledge of the Sun is bigger, better and ordered. The biggest achievements of SOHO are specific tests and measurements beneath the surface of the Sun, monitoring the solar radiation and changes in ultraviolet radiation star, factors important for the climate of the Earth.

  5. I think that science projects this one are very important and can be very useful and beneficial. Study the structure of the Sun can be helpful and informative. Sun is the most powerful element in our solar system, without which there would be no life on earth. Observating the Sun, we are able to predict space weather, f. ex. solar winds caused by explosions which can be dangeorous. Also we have to observate the Sun because the Sun is one of sources of energy, very useful for us, and that's why we should explore it.

  6. I think that study the Sun can be a very useful project. The Sun gives life to our planet, without him it wouldn't have been possible. We use them to produce energy for both the electricity and the inside of us. Such studies allow us to broaden our knowledge about the sun, and a better understanding of the universe around us. But the most important is the fact that the Sun gives us life, but can take it too, being an unknown bomb. So, we we should observe the sun, to know that nothing to worry about us.

  7. Still few people know that the sun is the main factor influencing the earth climate and weather. The cycle of the sun activity is not well understood and examined yet even though it can be responsible for the changes in the average temperature on the surface of our planet. Recently we have received lots of news about space missions connected with the Mars but the Sun is still the biggest and the most important body in the Solar system.

  8. I think that it is very important for humans to "control" suns' activity. Making wider our knowledge about our life-giving-star is necessary. Development of that part of science is relevant in our age and I think that it will be very important in days, which have not came yet. Probably results of these space studies will be one of the most important part of science, because life on Earth depends on suns' activity.

  9. Yes, it's very important to create more and more Sun projects. They are improving our knowledge about stars, the Solar System in generall. We need to learn about Sun in order to prevent potentially dangerous situations like inner turbulences of the Sun and so on. Well, there is nothing we can really do about it - we won't stop it. But we coul unleast protect ourselves from the solar flare radiation. So controlling the picture of the Sun doesn't seem like a very bad idea.

  10. Such projects as SOHO are unquestionably significant for our civilization. They can extend our knowledge so we can use sun a a renewable energy.
    I'd like to mention another project that was launched on 11.02.2010, Solar Dynamics Observatory. The main goals of the SDO mission are to study the sun's active regions, and the violent solar events that trigger effects in the Earth's upper atmosphere.
    The spacecraft records a new image every second, and transmits to Earth every day. You can watch them here:

  11. I think, that study about the Sun is very imporant thing. We shouls remember, that the Sun is our nearest star and its proximity provides heat and light to maintain life on Earth. It is important to study about the Sun, because the Sun is the source of solar wind and it also serves an important role in helping us to understand the rest of the astronomical universe.

  12. Sun in the near future will play an important role in energy production on the Earth because the oil resources gradually ending. We will need the solar energy to generate electricity or producing hydrogen from water. Studies about the sun are very important. The more we will know the processes taking place on that star, the better we will be able to use it to produce energy. We should keep in mind that too large a portion of energy can damage the electronic systems on the Earth and observation system of the sun's surface explosions is necessary.

  13. I've never heard about SOHO project before. I think it is excellent way to get a knowladge about our "power planet". Sun's diameter is like 109 Earth's diameters and what is amazing for me, the eruptions on Sun's surface sometimes have about 10 or even more Earth's diameters. That ratio crashed me. Eruptions on Sun's surface have influence on our Earth's being for example unexpected noise which appears on a sensitive, physics aparatus.

  14. This project seems to be very interesting, as well as the CERN one. But I guess that studies over Sun, located so far away, must be even harder and cause more technical problems (breaking up satellites), which have to be solved immediately in order to continue them. However, it seems that scientists are dealing pretty well with it - good example is the ability to predict the appearance of aurora. Here you can find out what the northern lights really are. And this site is amazing, especially if you plan to hunt for aurora (years 2013, 2014 are expected to be the "Solar Max"!), as it shows you a day by day forecasts

  15. In my opinion sun can be used in various fields and people should continue such study. It is one of most important factor which maintain our planet. The sun give us lights and also produces heat . What’s more we use it to produce energy or electricity witch belongs to renewable energy source , and this affects the increasing environmental awareness . Such energy is used more widely and likely in the future will replace the old ways of generating energy. In other worlds ,the sun gives us new opportunities and people should continue research on it.

  16. I agree that studies about the Sun are crucial. The Sun is one of the most important things which keeps the life on the Earth existing. The issue of using Sun energy for supplying cars with power, house equipment with electricity is also very important. On the other hand, the Sun and its power can be extremely dangerous for nearby planets. So precise observation of its action and position is essential.

  17. In face of climatic changes and sensitivity of electronic and electric instalations studies of sun and his behaviour are more and more important. We should remember, SOHO is not first and not only one space project whisch refers sun. All of them are helping us to understand climate changes on the Earth and warn as against dangerous solar flares.

  18. Soho is a big project, we can learn and observe the sun. But if the sun will threate us, will be able to prevent it? We don't have any power that could deal with this big star. I think that the knowledge is very important and more information means better, but the most important is our planet. With Soho is possible: monitoring solar radiation, factors important for the climate of the Earth - and this is something practise!

  19. I think that observation of Sun should be one of the most important human’s activity. It is obvious that life on the Earth is possible only thanks to a heat from our nearest star – Sun. But it’s also important to learn how Sun works and – what is especially important – how to predict explosion on its corona. It is very dangerous phenomenon, it may lead even to complete destruction of whole electric network all around the world and it is needed to know as much about this as we can. That’s why I think that missions like SOHO are needed.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Sun is the one of the most important think, we should observation it and explore. If we don't do it, probably in the future will have a very big problem. SOHO is a project to discover the reasons a climate changes, if we have more information about sun is possible to stop that problem and found the solution.

  21. In my opinion (and not only my, I suppose) Sun is the most important thing in whole Universe, so it's obvious that we should study how it works. Unfortunately we can't do anything to prevent ourselves from the Sun corona explosions or even it's radiation.
    However - i think that studying how world and universe is working is really interesting, so we should gain more and more knowledge about our cosmos surrounding.

  22. Studing about the Sun, the Universe, how this all works and why did this all started is of course very interesting and it can give us a lot of opportunities for the future, environment. Everyone here wrote that this is one of the most important thing do to. Isn't that a little exaggeration? I mean, what would change if such project did't exist? Would we all die? Would the Earth end? I don't think so. Sun and Earth for trillions of years has been doing just fine without this modern technology and nothing seems to tell us that it will change soon.


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