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Sources of information in XXI century


Information is one of the most underrated  things in our life. Sources of it  evolved throughout the ages - from the primal ones (like speech) through  newspapers to electronic mass media. But now we should ask ourselves - where do we get information from?

In my opinion there are two main sources - television (news programs) and the internet.

News programs (also news programme, newscast or news shows) are specific kind of TV programs - in big epitome they are regulary scheduled programs that report current events. It can include live or recorded interviews by field reporters, opinion poll results, expert opinions, and occasional editorial content. The biggest news channels are BBC, CNN and Foxnews.

Fakty w TVN24
In Poland  we have two main news channels - TVN24 and TVP Info - they reach about 10% of Polish viewers - about 3 million people. But it is nothing when you compare them to the main TV news broadcasts - Fakty, Wiadomości and Teleexpress. Altogether they  reach about 10 million viewers.

Twitter.TV is slowly going down in popularity, but there is worthy successor - the internet. Today nearly everyone has access to the Net so the importance  of the newest media is growing up. There are a few portals that are providing news - mainly Interia, WP, and a few more. One portal is totally different - Twitter. It lets you  say (tweet) just 140 signs. Nearly every politician has his own Twitter account, sometimes with nearly half a million of followers.

Facebook.A different way to share information is Facebook -  web of your friends, family, and fanpages of your favourite things and people. I think it's one of the most powerful media today, because any info spreads with speed of light on this portal. Then, you can google things you got interested by and ignore those you are not.

Summing up - today we can get information in many ways: using the internet, TV or even newspapers. Also anyone can find something that he is interested in, so we can say, that we live in a well informed world.

PS: What sources of information do you use?



  1. For me, the main source of information is the Internet. I spend most of my time there reading a news, sometimes watching the interview on you tube and I follow many blogs of person who are intrested in fashion. When I have a time I watch Wiadomości in the evening. In my opinion the best source of information in the Net is facebook, because when I "like" some pages after than they informed me about cultural events in my city or about where my best musiclal grup has a concert now. I can also see the photos from the evevts, the comments and everything seems to be very close to me.

  2. On my study, my specialization is connected with policy, so I have to watch a lot of information programs, to know what is happening in my country or in the world. My main source is actually television. I'm watching channels Polsat News and Superstacja, then I comparing both, to avoid any manipulation from journalists side. When sometimes I can't watch information becouse I'm for example busy, I'm just looking for news at internet for example form or other similar websites.

  3. We should not forget about newspapers and magazines. Of course, most people watch TV and read news portals on internet. But they gain content from newspapers! This newspapers, which are in common opinion close to die, this journalist, which are almost completely forgotten. We have to remember, that a lot of content on TV and internet comes from dear old newspapers.

  4. Now in Poland we have a very big problem with low level of media. We should remember about internationals medias, newspapers and another sources of information. The most objective media in Poland is a "Gazeta Polska Codziennie" they present always facts and all true about Poland. But we must read and watch different medias to have a comparison.

  5. I agree that the internet is the main source of information. That's beacause news is available there at any time and in any form. We can choose a portal which fits us best and avoid journalist manipulation. Television is becoming poorer and poorer because in the news programmes they don't actually present really important information and events. Most time in 'Fakty' or 'Wiadomości' are wasted for stories about sick children, poor disabled, celebrity and politicians gossips. I don't mean those topics are completely irrelevant but I wouldn't call it 'news' and it simply doesn't interest me. Fortunately, I don't have a TV so I don't have to risk wasting my time.

  6. For me the main source of information is also the internet. Actually the first thing I do in the morning, after brushing my teeth is to check the news. Nowadays most of us have internet in their smartphones so it is so easy to be up to date. I also often watch TVN24. As you've noticed tv is becoming less and less popular - mostly because you can find the same news in the internet and what's more - you can read them when you have time and you can read different points of view. The same thing is with newspapers - if people really buy them, they prefer to buy them online and read on their ipads and laptops.
    It is worth to notice how fast the news spread nowadays - there's no such thing like it used to be 30 years ago, that you could read about important events and news from abroad few days after it had happened. I think it is our privilege that we can get news immediately so we should use it and learn more about our world.

  7. News shape the way how we see the World.
    I like BBC News am much more interested in Word News then Local. BBC World News gives more information about different part of the World then polish stations. At the moment I am following the situation in Middle East in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel, Palestine - on this page you can find world newspapers online.
    I don't want and I don't need to have TV, I use Internet to watch and choose what I want, I can improve my English, know more, I don’t have to watch Polish adverts which I hate…
    I don't buy any paper magazine

  8. So everyone keeps mentioning the Internet. And I can't blame you. I use it by myself as it's the most comfortable source of information. There are no schedule. You just check whatever you want whenever you want and that's brilliant!
    But let's not forget about TV, newspapers an the radio. I think a lot of people are beeing traditionalists, stay in the old time way and not use the Internet - mostly elder people.
    Nowadays we have so many sources of information, it's hard to believe that some persons don't care about what's going on in the world!

  9. I often use the Internet for finding information about some news, timetables, weather etc. However, when I want detailed and reliable information I read books, because in the Internet we have many articles but not all of them are true.
    In my opinion, sources of information in XXI century are changing too fast. A few years ago TV was the main source, but now the same place has the Internet. Thanks to it we can find any information about any theme. It’s comfortable, because we have everything in only one object- a computer or a phone, but it can be incorrect or too general.

  10. The Internet is the main source of information. A lot of people look for some news over the Internet. It is the fastest and the most comfortable way to know what's going on all over the world. We can find informations in all categories and choose the most interesting for us. It is also the cheapest way, because we don't have to pay for magazine or newspaper. But there are still people who prefer to read some articles not from the mobile phone or notebook. Moreover, not every magazine has also its own page.
    I agree that Facebook is the fastest way to find information. We can share some photos, videos or informations and it is a great opportunity to find something really interesting for us. Than we can check it in Google and find the answers to our questions.
    Young people don't watch the news on TV or buy the newspapers. They think that Internet can give them more information. I agree with their opinion. There are some silly portals with false informations, but we should learn how to find good, true information.

  11. I think that the Internet provides us nowadays the best range of information. It's the easiest way to get them, compare and verify quickly. Obviously, there're many hoaxes, but focusing on big news agencies seems to be enough to avoid most of misunderstandings. Personally I don't put a heavy weight on following the news - I just listen to the radio, surf the Web and somehow gather the info, rather than specially look for it.
    I wouldn't put Facebook, Twitter and other social portals in one category with eg. BBC - they're rather a source of public opinions than extracted, pure information.

  12. I can't really argue the point that internet is best source of information. I don't really care about politics, that are usually the only topic one can find in newspapers or TV. Of course if internet source is not moderated it can be only classified as unusable. But google news and BBC site are very good at providing quality content. Other then that I usually use physorg and slashdot for science releted news and reddit for quirky facts (TIL - Today I Learned subreddit is one of my favourite, but not relly relevant as news source).
    Facebook and twitter are not good sources of any information other then personal comunication. Making them sources of news is in my opinion a huge mistake.

  13. Now, when I live in Warsaw and I don't have television i use only internet to get any information. It is main source of news for me. I use internet for connecting with friends, following news, buying things and even checking bus schedule. For me the best website is Facebook, because I can get every information I need. When I follow pages connected to news like TVN24, or to weather forecast or anything else I have all informations on wall and I can read it everytime I log in.

  14. As many of my friends, I also use the Internet as the main source of information. With the Internet, I do everything. I use it to read news, watch some interviews, films. It is also necessary to me to do my homeworks. Thanks to it I browse websites and blogs of my friends and communicate with them. I really can't imagine my life without the Internet. Few days ago I was talking with my friend and wondered how people could study when there was no Internet - impossible! The second source of information for me is television, but now, when I don't have a TV in Warsaw I don't use it (only when I'm in home in Bydgoszcz). Either way, the Internet is the most important thing to me.

  15. I don’t have a TV so my source of information is Internet. I think that surf the net is the best way to find some interesting news and certainly the fastest way. I like in the internet that I can sort information and choose the most likely or useful. In TV information which is given is selected by the TV and is incomplete, falsified or misinterpreted.

  16. My source of information is also Internet. I am not really inerested in the latest informacion. But if I really want to know something, I will prefer Internet. I can make decicion what i what to see. I can make selection. Nowdays, Internet is very popular source of informacion, more and more people choose this way to obtain informacion.

  17. I have to agree that TV is slowly going down in popularity. Personally I haven’t been watching TV in my home for four or even more years. And every time I have to watch it somewhere else it is a nightmare. Especially all new programs are terrible and unreliable. To read any simple information I prefer to use the internet – and so on. It is not a perfect source of information but usually good enough. If I want to read somebody’s opinion I choose newspapers like ‘Polityka’ or website like I don’t let any TV news to fool me.

  18. I agree! TV is rubbish ;) I've stopped watching it few years ago and I feel much happier. Less said news, less people's complaints, no commercials. I've got so much time to do other things. If I want to check some news I simply google it. You can compare news from different sources to get your own opinion. Of course you cannot avoid reading news even if you want to because they are everywhere: in the public transport, on billboards on the streets and people are talking...

  19. Maybe I'm a little bit old fashioned, but my main sources of informations are still newspapers nad TV. Of course I also use internet, but mainly for contacting with friends. As it comes to newspapers, which I'm reading it's mainly Gazeta Wyborcza, Polityka and lately I've started to read Times in English - I can read there some great articles and in the same time I'm improving my language skills. When we speak about TV information channels, I'm watching most often TVN 24 and sometimes Polsat News.

  20. Very short presentation, I would say, concidering the fact that an information is one of the most expensive and valuable good of our time. There's nothing about newspapers which I believe is also very popular - maybe less than 10 years ago but still worth to say something about. And facebook and twitter as a source of information? Please... Thinking that way every man is a source of information. In my opinion you should also say that the Internet is not only a place of information but of garbage as well (WP.PL - your example for source of information very often gives us bullsh*t, not an information).

  21. I try to watch news every day. But not only one program. I watch 3 or 4 different news in TV, read newspaper and check news in internet. Nowadays we have get so many rubbish information and we must filter them. I spend around 1-2 hours to know what is going on a round the world.


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