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How can we spent time in traffic jam?
Traffic jams are the woes of a fast and speedy lifestyle with more and more people relying on their personal transport, there is an extremely high number of cars on the streets and this rush os only set to increase.
Traffic jams always make us all a little bit crazy, even if we do not want to happen. We all go through classic felling of anxiety, anger and rage, don't worry it is normal behavior. But we have a lo of better ways to spend your time while stuck in traffic, it could be  based on some sort of positive thought process.We must find ways to use the time productively.:)
You must keep some newspapers or books with you in the car. If you are very busy and don't have time to ready books, magazines, you can have chance to do it when you stuck in traffic jam, this is a good way to kill time,relaxing, forgetting about the situation in which you found and catching up on your reading.:)

You can catch up with old friends whom you haven't contacted in a long time and even call your family on your cell phone.  Call to ask after health and routine stuff, you will make an instant connect without going out of your schedules. What is more when you talk on the phone  time passes quickly. This is a far better way to spend the time than just sitting there complaining to yourself.


It is really hard to relax when you are stuck in traffic and you are just wasting your time. But you can also learn how to deal with stress which will be useful not only during traffic jams but also in everyday life. You could practice your deep breathing exercises, think about stuff that you need to get done or mention the most enjoyable events of your life, it can help you stress free during the remainder of the traffic jam.


If you are well equipped, you could use your wireless internet connection  to watch films which you wanted to see or find very funny films on youtube it will improve your mood. It is necessary when you stuck in a traffic. You can also check out the weather for  the rest of a day that you spend doing something nice, reply to emails and messages on you facebook, comment on  posts of your friends.:)

Choose the radio channels with music which you like the most and start singing!:) No matter who's watching you, sing along to the song on the radio at the top of your voice and dance around in your seat to the song. Of course do not open the window if you are not good singer!:) What is more you should not be worry about what others thinks,  probably you are  never gonna see people in the jam again are you?:)

First of all you have to remember to carry a dictionary with you. It could be english, spanish or french it depends on you. If you are bored sitting idly you can learn some new words associated with traffic congestion or car. It is really good way to spend time. The  circumstances in which you are, will help you memorize the words associated with this topic. You learn them by heart and remember it for longer because in this way we learn vocabulary most effectively.

7)DO MAKEUP: only for women!:)
This is the best way to spend time in traffic jams  for women. Women always carry cosmetics in their purse.What is more women can do several things at once, doing makeup when you stuck in traffic is not problem for us!:) So if you stuck in traffic jam and later you go out on a date or important meeting and you don't have time to do makeup at home you can do it in a  car. Not only do you spend nice time in traffic jam but also you fell much better and will  look very good!:)

"1)DO NOT PARK YOUR CAR AND WALK AHEAD TO SEE WHAT HAPPENED, because once traffic starts to move, you have just become the problem!
2)DO NOT TAKE A LITTLE NAP! The same result as above.
3) Most importantly keep your pants on!:)"

What else can we do when we are in a traffic jam?
What do you do when you stuck in traffic jam?
What can we do to congestion does not arise?


  1. Nice presentation. When I am stuck in traffic jam (what happens very often) I always like listen to good music or talk on the mobile phone.
    I think, we can add to Your propositions - do list for shopping or whatever. We can plan what we should do when we come back to home. If we write it on paper, we shouldn't forget.

    What can we do to congestion does not arise?
    Of course, we can change the ride for bike, scooter, motor, roller skates, skateboard or eventually public transport:)

  2. I don't have a driving licence, so I don't have problems with traffic jams. If I go by bus I always have a book with me. If I go by car, I'm a passenger, so I'm talking with driver, or listening to music in a radio. Learning new words is a good choice, too. It's never bad time to learning english ;)

  3. I am not a driver yet, but I meet with traffic jam when I use the public transport. Unfortunately too often buses are standing in a traffic jam. In such situation I try to use this time for something interesting. I read books and newspapers, I listen to music, on Thursdays I learn quiz words to English classes :D Sometimes I talk on a phone with my dad, sister or my friends, sometimes I write text messages to them. So according to me the time spent in traffic jam can be used meaningfully. :)

  4. I also don't have driving licence yet, like Katarzyna and Małgorzata but every day when I'm going to my job I have a problem with traffic jams. I hate them.. when i am stuck in traffic jam i usually listening to the music on ipod or reading book or newspaper, sometimes I talk on a phone but i don't like this because i don't want to share information with strangers which sit or stand close to me. In Warsaw, traffic jams are always and i don't see any solution how to change it, so So I guess we have to get used to it.

  5. There is no good solution to spend time in traffic jam. It makes all the drivers very angry especially when they are in hurry. It is better to stuck in a traffic jam when there is a passenger in the car except you because you can talk to him or her. If I was alone I would call my friend because it is always interesting :) Dont forget that there is a radio also so you can listen to music.

  6. This is very useful presentation;) I think that the best idea is to call your friends and family while being in traffic jam. In every day life very often we don't have time to stay in touch with important for us people so being in traffic jam is very good possibility to call all the people we want. For women it is of course great time to do makeup or to improve the old one. When you are driving with someone else in the car, it is good way to talk, to spend some time together, you can listen to music and relax. People are always complaining when they stuck in traffic jam but after this presentation and seeing all these things possible to do in traffic jam, I see that maybe it is not so terrible to stuck in traffic jam?;) For sure then you have time to do things which you don't have time for in every day life.

  7. First of all, we can use mobile phones in a car but we musn't use hand to hold it. I think nobody likes to stay in a traffic jam because it is boring. During staying in a traffic jam we can do a lot of creative things but we must remember to act with due caution. We can listen to music or read a book. If we have a passenger we can discuss about anything.

  8. This is very interesting presentation:) Each of us know that jam traffic could be nightmare. The worst is that we can't do nothing during them. Because in my opinion we still have to be focus on driving. Maybe listening to music or learning new words is good sollution.

  9. This presentation gives a lot of interesting ideas. When the driver get stuck in traffic jams are angry and impatient and I understand it because it is boring and uncomfortable when someone in a hurry. It's good if someone can use this time creatively.

  10. Well, I lose about 1 hour a day in trafic jams, so I know exactly how to use this time to do things more interesting than simple sitting and staring through the window. I read books, phone to my friends, sometime talk with other people in the bus. There is always many thing to do and I can't believe that many people don't want to give a try reading a book.

  11. I love the pictures accompanying the presentation.
    I always have a book, so while standing in traffic I would have read it. I don't go car alone, so I would have always someone to talk to if I got stuck in traffic.

  12. Traffic jams...I know this topic:)
    Firstly, i hate traffic jams, because I'm very impatient person and inactive state in a traffic jam getting on my nerves. Unfortuantely I can't read books or learn in buses because I feel sick or I fall asleep on the notes.Conversations on the phone is a great solution, when I'm in traffic I call to my mum or friends and it fills me time. Once I saw woman who make-up in bus. I admire her! I couldn't paint lashes when everything shakes and the bus suddenly stops. And of course my favourite music allows me to relax during traffic jams.

  13. Traffic jams are common, whether I drive my own car or public transport. By traffic jams I'm always late, so I try to ride the subway. Unfortunately this isn't always possible. When I'm standing in a traffic jam usually read a newspaper, I learn, listen to the radio or talking to other passengers. I don't believe in traffic that somebody can relax, it always makes me angry.

  14. Oh, listed here are really good ways. But I have one, except for me - listening to music. :P

  15. Traffic jams irritate everybody. Unfortunetely, I don't have any idea how to kill the boredom so I always listening and trying to breathe deaply but it doesn't easy.

  16. In this article i have found many useful ideas for traffic jams. But i have another one which is good for students, especially in session . In traffic jams we can learn to exams:) or think about scientific theories.

  17. It is very funny when I see one women, who stand in a traffic jam and she do make up. Amazingly, she has got all, what should got to do make up (even make-up remover). I can't imagine that I could be do this. When I stand in a traffic jam I write messages to my friend or read newspaper/book.

  18. According to the statistics 42% of Poles phone while stuck in traffic jam. It is the most common activity. The second place is... picking in nose! Yes, almost 14% Poles do it in their cars :D And everybody thinks, that nobody is able to see it :)

  19. Actually I'm lucky because I'm able to avoid traffic jams just using metro,and so i do. But if I'm in the car staying in the jam ,I just listen to the music and think about my day or make plans what will I do when i finally get home!

  20. A good presentation and ideas ideed;) keep up the good work.. dobra robota. Which i learnt in English class:P

  21. I don't have a problem with traffic jams because I don't drive car yet. But if I were it would be usefull and I will keep it in my mind.

  22. Best way to avoid traffic jams is to leave your car at home;) If not, we can also use this spare time and read a book, prepare for classes or read a newspaper just to be up to date with the news. There are so many options.

  23. I don't agree with an author. A lot of examples are at first not very productive, at second may by dangerous. For example - reading books in traffic-jam.. you're not concentrated, you will not remember a lot of informations in book. What else, you're trying to be concentrate and you don't pay attention for what's going on on a street. It could be dangerous. Do makeup or watching films are worse ideas..

  24. I think differently than Piotr. Coming by public transport I'm listening to music and it's very easy for me to focus. I read books, learn or look at information to work. I totally do not mind about crowd or noise! In addition, I can even relax there, for example, playing on the phone. Subway or bus ride is one of the few moments during the day, when I have nothing to do, so I quite like it.

  25. Usually I do nothing when I stuck in a traffic jam. I think it isn't good place for reading or watching something. It is impossible to pay attention to the road and to book at the same time and be still focus on both activities. Annoing is doing both activities and doing that incompletely.

  26. Usually when we travel in a traffic jam, I have a lot of time for myself. I do not have to pay attention to a road because I am not a car driver (I do not have a driving licence) but I am only a passenger. In a traffic jam i could read a book or listen to my MP4 or I could talk to my friends by my cellural phone.I love reading and I love listening to the music but still i do not like traffic jams. Because of traffic I very often came too late for meetings. The best sollution to travel in Warsaw is using a subway.

  27. The traffic jams are horrible. Especially when you are a driver. You must pay more attention to driving then normal ride, and can't relax so much because traffic jam is moving slowly but moving. Accordance with the law, driver can't talk be mobile phone, but he/she can listen the good music. And i think driver can only listen the music and talking with passengers, or singing :)


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